Sunday 15 June 2008

Luxury room & jail for Big Brother house

A luxury bedroom has been revealed in this year's 'Big Brother' house, prompting suggestions that the housemates will be divided into two groups and pitted against each other.
Previous pictures of the new house showed a dormitory style bedroom with uncomfortable, short beds with scratchy blankets.
However, a second bedroom has now been revealed, containing eight double beds with velvet cushions, a walk-in closet and burgundy and gold drapes.
Reports suggest that housemates will be asked to choose their own beds as soon as everyone has entered the house.
The new house also contains a jail, in the form of a tiny claustrophobic area enclosed by metal bars in the garden, where housemates will be sent if they need to be punished.
Other changes to the house unveiled today include two staircases leading to and from the outside world, which has sparked speculation that the housemates might arrive in pairs.
The diary room has been built under the stairs instead of directly in the house to make the contestants sitting on the diary room chair feel more cut off from their housemates.
This year housemates will also be asked to grow their own vegetables and herbs in the garden.
Although this series will feature more housemates than ever before there are less toilets in the house than last year and anyone taking a bath or shower will be visible to everyone in the living room through a transparent door.
Winning tasks in the house will enable the contestants to use luxury items like hair straighteners.
'Big Brother' executive producer Phil Edgar-Jones said of the new housemates: "There's a good balance of sexes and sexualities."
"There will be a mixture of some people who want to be there for the experience and some people who want to chase fame."
He said: "The joy of 'Big Brother' is not what we do but what they do. We're trying to do things to create a mix of people that would never normally share a room."
'Big Brother' begins this Thursday night on Channel 4.